Free BioDiesel Information available for Download.
I have a number of Adobe Acrobat files available for download that gives you more information about BioDiesel and some studies behind it. They are all free. Enjoy the content and good luck on your processing!
It would be a good idea to bookmark this site in case you need to return if the download is interrupted for any reason.
To download the eBook(s) do the following....
RIGHT click (not left click) on the link below and choose the "save target as" or "save" option to save the pdf file to your hard disk. Do not use the "open" option. Again - that's RIGHT click, not left click. Also... please remember which folder you saved the file in.
NOTE: If you get the error message "error reading linearized hint data" then try again and make sure you RIGHT CLICK on the link below.
RIGHT Click Here (250k): biodieselbook.pdf
Here's the study done by the University of Idaho. If you have ever thought about using one of those "secret" blending techniques or running your diesel on straight vegetable oil, then your MUST read this study first or you may damage your expensive engine:
RIGHT Click Here (35K) : idaho-wvo-study.pdf
Here's a report commissioned by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) entitled "Biodiesel Production Technology". It's a little technical, but some of you might find it interesting:
RIGHT Click Here (1.4 meg): biodiesel-36244.pdf
Here's a report commissioned by the Dept of Agriculture and the DOE titled "Life Cycle Inventory of Biodiesel and Petroleum Diesel for use in an Urban Bus"...
RIGHT Click Here (2 meg): biodiesel-24089.pdf
Here's a great report from the DOE titled "Biodiesel from Algae"...
RIGHT Click Here (3.7 meg): biodiesel-24190.pdf
Here's a report from the DOE titled "Fuels of the Future for Cars and Trucks"...
RIGHT Click Here (514k): biodiesel-eberhardt.pdf
To open and read the file AFTER you have downloaded it, you can do one of the following (of course you should have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer)...
1) You can use Windows Explorer to locate the file (biodieselbook.pdf) and then just double click on the file name and it should open it up in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
2) You can start Adobe Acrobat Reader and then use the open a file function to open the biodieselbook.pdf file.

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